
Messenger class encapsulates all the network requests and parsing logic involved in the messenger relevant Help Center API Endpoints. Use this class to access Conversation Starter, Conversations, Messages and Satisfaction Ratings.

The Messenger class needs to be instantiated with the Help Center Url (String) and optionally a Fingerprint-ID (FingerprintAuth).

If the Fingerprint Id is not specified, the Messenger class will automatically generate one for you.

import com.kayako.sdk.messenger.Messenger;

Messenger mMessenger = new Messenger(HELP_CENTER_URL);

If an existing Fingerprint Id is used, then you will have access to all of the previous conversations.

import com.kayako.sdk.messenger.Messenger;

String fingerprintId = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"; // UUID v4
FingerprintAuth fingerprintAuth = new FingerprintAuth(fingerprintId);

Messenger mMessenger = new Messenger(HELP_CENTER_URL, fingerprintAuth);

Sample Code Snippets:

List<Conversation> conversations = mMessenger.getConversationList(0, 20); 
import com.kayako.sdk.base.callback.ListCallback;

mMessenger.getConversationList(0, 20, new ListCallback<Conversation>() {
    public void onSuccess(List<Conversation> items) {
        // use conversations

    public void onFailure(KayakoException exception) {
        // show error message
import com.kayako.sdk.base.callback.ItemCallback;

mMessenger.getConversation(1234L, new ItemCallback<Conversation>() {
    public void onSuccess(Conversation item) {
        // Use conversation

    public void onFailure(KayakoException exception) {
        // show error message
import com.kayako.sdk.base.callback.ItemCallback;

    1234L, 5678L, 
    new PutMessageBodyParams(
    new EmptyCallback() {
        public void onSuccess() {
            // Perform task

        public void onFailure(KayakoException exception) {
            // show error message

Method Summary

Method Description
getConversationStarter Retrieve Conversation Starter information
getConversationList Retrieve list of Conversations
getConversation Retrieve a specific Conversation
postConversation Create a new Conversation
getMessages Retrieve list of Messages
getMessage Retrieve a specific message
postMessage Add a message to a conversation
getRatingList Retrieve satisfaction ratings added to a conversation
postRating Add a rating to a conversation
putRating Update an existing rating added to a conversation


Name Type Description
Callback ItemCallback (Optional) Provide for asynchronous requests

Retrieve conversation starter information like recently active agents and average response time.


Name Type Description
offset int Number of items to skip - use for pagination
limit int Number of items returned in one request
Callback ListCallback (Optional) Provide for asynchronous requests

Retrieve list of Conversation resources.


Name Type Description
offset int Number of items to skip - use for pagination
limit int Number of items returned in one request
Callback ItemCallback (Optional) Provide for asynchronous requests

Retrieve list of Category resources.


Name Type Description
params PostConversationBodyParams Encapsulation of the necessary body parameters
Callback ItemCallback (Optional) Provide for asynchronous requests

Create a new conversation.


Name Type Description
conversationId long id of conversation whose messages you wish to retrieve
offset int Number of items to skip - use for pagination
limit int Number of items returned in one request
Callback ListCallback (Optional) Provide for asynchronous requests

Retrieve list of Message resources.


Name Type Description
conversationId long id of conversation whose messages you wish to retrieve
messageId long id of message you wish to retrieve
offset int Number of items to skip - use for pagination
limit int Number of items returned in one request
Callback ItemCallback (Optional) Provide for asynchronous requests

Retrieve list of Message resources.


Name Type Description
conversationId long id of conversation whose messages you wish to retrieve
messageId long id of message you wish to retrieve
params PostMessageBodyParams Encapsulation of the necessary body parameters
Callback ItemCallback (Optional) Provide for asynchronous requests

Add a new message to an existing conversation.


Name Type Description
conversationId long id of conversation whose messages you wish to retrieve
messageId long id of message you wish to retrieve
params PutMessageBodyParams Encapsulation of the necessary body parameters
Callback EmptyCallback (Optional) Provide for asynchronous requests

Update the status of a message, such as marking a message as SEEN or DELIVERED.


Name Type Description
conversationId long id of conversation whose ratings you wish to retrieve
Callback ListCallback (Optional) Provide for asynchronous requests

Retrieve the list of satisfaction ratings added for a conversation.


Name Type Description
conversationId long id of a conversation for which a rating is to be added
params PostRatingBodyParams Encapsulation of the necessary body parameters
Callback ItemCallback (Optional) Provide for asynchronous requests

Add a rating for a conversation.


Name Type Description
conversationId long id of a conversation for which a rating is to be added
ratingId long id of the rating to be updated
params PutRatingBodyParams Encapsulation of the necessary body parameters
Callback ItemCallback (Optional) Provide for asynchronous requests

Update an existing rating of a conversation.