The API service supports caching and concurrency control through use of If-Match and If-Unmodified-Since HTTP headers, see also Caching.


  • The resource has been modified since the last time you fetched it
  • You were attempting to use concurrency control in the AJAX caching mode


  • Fetch the resource again and use its eTag and date values in new API request
  • Make sure, that eTag in the If-Match HTTP header is correct
  • Make sure, that the date in the If-Unmodified-Since HTTP header is correct
  • Remove If-Match and If-Unmodified-Since HTTP headers, if the API request is performed in the AJAX caching mode


    "status": 412,
    "errors": [
            "code": "RESOURCE_MODIFIED",
            "message": "The action cannot be performed as the resource has been modified",
            "more_info": ""